Thursday, March 4, 2010

What I did in class today...

Scene: This morning,in the classroom, lecture going on...

It was a Finance lecture and sir was talking about Risk Analysis and its different types. My calculator lay on the desk, waiting to serve me. Rather, I was waiting to use it, so that it would be a welcome break from the monotony of the lecture and would set the right mood. I was listening to what was being taught... yeah... Operating Risk Analysis and Financial Risk Analysis and these two are combined to arrive at the Combined Risk Analysis... and my eyelids began to droop. The sleepiness was shallow initially, but it easily intensified and the next thing I knew, my mind was already dreaming. I'm amazed and amused at what I dreamt. Dreams have a way of somehow being connected to one's thoughts or actions just before they dozed-off.

The dream: I'm in a Finance class and a calculator is lying in front of me. But the calculator-of-my-dreams is different! It is larger-than-usual and apart from the usual keys(which are all differently coloured), has a lot of empty (key-less) space towards the left and I'm curious to know why. In my quest to find out, I try press a particular white-coloured key and the calculator is now switched on. Then I wonder why is there an orange-coloured key and what does it do. So I press that key and suddenly music starts being played out of my calculator! The class is obviously interrupted due to this sudden music and all eyes are at me and my uniquely strange calculator! The professor's eyes are willing me to switch it off! Stunned and nervous, I press the same key again in an attempt to stop the music, but no! This time the song changes, as if it were an FM-radio! I try several times more, but every time the song changes!...

That is when I was jolted back to reality. My mind quickly adjusted to the class, it was now time to solve problems. As my finger touched the keys of the calculator, I suppressed a laugh. But the whole thing seemed so hilarious at that point, that I couldn't suppress my laughter anymore and shared the dream with Ipsy who was sitting next to me. Of course, we had a good laugh; but I think, the idea of a Musical Calculator is simply brilliant! :D


Whoa ! said...

i was very much aware of your sleeping habits but was not enlightened about the dreams u have!!! and music being involved in yer dreams does not come to me as a shock dear!!!happy dreamin

IPSY-Ipsita said...

That would be one hell of an invention if it comes true.Seriously.Think abt it Aarthi, u cn get the idea patented. And hell ya it was a fantastic dream. I was sitting next to u when it was being filmed in ur subconcious.

deewanee.ladki said...

thanks for the encouragement guys... :P btw, the next day I dreamt of relishing ripe mangoes sitting on the same bench!Yummy! Summers are synonymous with mangoes, esp. the haphus kinds!)